A downloadable game

현재 개발중인 오픈필드 액션 어드벤쳐 게임 Memory Out 입니다.

0.1버전 기준으로 게임종료 버튼이 없으니 Alt-F4 부탁드립니다...

WASD - 움직임, 좌클릭 - 공격, 우클릭 - 조준 (제작 중), Tab - 인벤토리, T - 건설


This is the open field action adventure game Memory Out currently in development.

I don't have the end of game button based on version 0.1 so please Alt-F4...

WASD - Move, left click - Attack, right click - Aim (in production), Tab - Inventory, T - Construction


This game is currently unavailable

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